Comics about mathematics, science, and the student life.


A student walks across a valley on a tightrope, and laments the fact that they didn't bring a safety net.

“I woud have even settled for some thicker rope!”

Spilling Over

A person sleeps in a tub while the water begins to overflow.

The worst part is that you only notice it’s a problem when the overflow happens.

Target Practice

In the first panel, physicists line up to a target to try and hit the centre with their darts, representing their pet theories. In the second panel, almost no dart is in the centre.

Let’s just try to throw as much as we can against the target and see what sticks!


In the first panel, a physicist tells the other that the media always twists their technical terms. The friend replies by saying that physicists might be a bit too suggestive with their names, and rattles off a bunch of buzz words.

“I guess we might be too good at our PR.”

The Details Work Out

A teacher decides to not go through the whole derivation and just says the details work out. A student asks if they need to know this for the test, and the teacher replies that the test is where the details do matter.

“Then, can’t you go through the whole example so we see how it works?”

“What do you think I am, a teacher?!”


A teacher keeps on giving students just a little bit more every semester, only to complain that students aren't focused on "deep" learning.

“I know, right? I’m just making sure they get a complete understanding of the subject!”


A person stands on the ground with a shovel, thinking that it will be easy to find new insights. Little do they know that the real paradigm shifts occur much deeper.

When you start research, you quickly learn that the low-hanging fruit has been picked.

Small Overlap

In the first panel, mathematics is almost completely a subset of school, while the second shows it being only a small sliver. Impression versus reality.

“I don’t want to do math, I’m not in school!”

The classic complaint that demonstrates our confusion.


A student looks at the calendar as they plan for their upcoming race, knowing they need to run specific workouts. In the second panel, the student sits down at their desk and starts playing the guessing game of figuring out what will be on the exam.

I understand that we can’t know the questions ahead of time, but it’s also pretty annoying to spend a solid chunk of time studying, only to realize that you wasted your time on the wrong material.


A person looks for their lost notes in the recycling bin, even though it probably isn't there.

I think we might sometimes take this a little too far, but at least we’re sure dark matter isn’t made out of discarded class notes!