“Don’t you think this motor will bias our results?”
“Of course it will, but we can just handwave it away in the “Discussion” section of our paper!”
14 Jun 2019
I got the idea for this after visiting a university for their graduate program in physics. The professor said that while undergraduate studies are like seeing the best cathedrals and architecture, graduate studies are like having to build these from scratch with no prior knowledge.
12 Jun 2019
“Professor, why do we use this symbol? It’s so difficult to write.”
“Oh, you’ll get used to it after writing it a thousand times!”
10 Jun 2019
It feels so strange to think that you used to go to a library to search for these papers instead of having easy(-ish) access online.
07 Jun 2019
“Do we need to know this for the test, Professor?”
“Nah, I barely remember them!”
05 Jun 2019
“There weren’t any difficult aspects?”
“Nope, everything was amazing!”
03 Jun 2019
This might sound like a rare problem, but it happens more than you might think. In particular, I see it when professors start rattling off long theorems that they know by heart.
31 May 2019
“My field is so niche that even the search engines have no idea what I’m typing in!”
29 May 2019
“I should be able to turn this into some kind of machine learning algorithm.”
27 May 2019