Comics about mathematics, science, and the student life.


A student tells their professor that they are not good with deadlines, and follows this up by getting something done way earlier than expected.

I may be the only one who really follows this pattern.

Simple Case

A student looks for the full treatment of a subject, but every resource they consult only deals with the easy case.

If only someone already did the research for me but hasn’t taken the time to publish, I could then get this done a lot faster!

Putting In Numbers

Two students discuss their homework. One complains that they needed to do a lot, but the other says that they needed to to actually put in numbers, which is infinitely worse.

What are we, barbarians?


A student is rock climbing, and can't reach the next rock. A metaphor for authors jumping in their steps.

You just need to do a small little jump, it’s no big deal.

File Formats

Two people discuss the fact that civilization will have records of everything in the future. One of them isn't too worried, since file formats will ruin everything.

Quick, make sure you keep backups of the programs that run your specific files!

Hidden Personality

A student reads a textbook that takes a strange turn: "You have now been initiated into the exclusive club of epsilon pickers..."

Can you figure out what textbook this came from?

Stages of Problem Solving

The ten stages of problem solving: delusion, complication, exploration, confusion, disillusion, desperation, temptation, frustration, apprehension, celebration.

Inspired by the beautiful work done by Grant Snider from Incidental Comics. May my art someday look as good.

Hierarchy Problem

A scientist complains to a physicist that physicists shouldn't act superior about their field. People should see science as more of a connected web of subjects rather than a hierarchy. The physicist pauses, and then rearranges the topics on the board to show that physics is still on top.

I know physics is supposed to be the “fundamental” science, but I think we as physicists often have negative views towards the other subjects for no good reason.

Frame of Reference

Two people are running, and one shouts for the other to slow down. The person doesn't, and when they are confronted later, they say that they didn't specify a reference frame to slow down in.

If we had to actually specify our frame of reference, our casual conversations would be a lot longer.


In the first panel, a professor tells a student that the idea they have is just plain wrong. In the second panel, the professor says that the student's new idea is even more wrong. The first panel is being wrong in science, while the second is being right.

It’s like everyone is running around with their own pet theories, unreceptive to the ideas of others.

Oh wait.