Comics about mathematics, science, and the student life.


A physicist calls over their friend to check out a new photograph of a black hole, but the friend is less-than-impressed by the smudge.

I wonder how much the astronomy community pays for having these really nice artistic renditions of astronomy when they want to promote the actual photographs.

Idea Quality

In the first panel, there is a direct connection between good ideas and smart people. Likewise, there's a direct connection between bad ideas and stupid people. In the second panel, there is just "people" who have both good and bad ideas.

Don’t be afraid to be wrong in class or meetings. It’s not a mark of your intelligence, despite what it feels like.


In the first panel, the student thinks that starting their homework now would be a good idea so they aren't overwhelmed later. In the second, they decide to hand the problem over to their "future selves".

The person we probably harm the most by our actions: our future self.


In the first panel, a student eases into their work, content to think deeply about the content. In the second (the test), the student enters "autopilot" in order to finish the test on time.

Probably the top reason why I hate tests. The environment is so artificial and unlike what research is like. At this point, I just shake my head in sadness.


In the first panel, the equation is written in order to make sense. In the second, the expression is given a common denominator, making things unclear.

We teach students to always simplify in mathematics, but the truth is that this can hide the more natural interpretation of results.

Academic Silos

In the first panel, the various academic fields are interconnected. In the second, the connections have been severed between almost all of them, leading to more isolation.

Of course, Science can’t afford to sever the connection with Math, so they’ve made sure to keep the relationship strong.


A student sits in front of a researcher, who says that their research group has no average day. The student can't help but point out that there *is*.

“We’re like the extreme outliers of the academic world!

In a good way, of course.”

Basic Definitions

A physicist tells a biologist that their field is ridiculous in that it can't even properly define "life". The biologist fires back by asking the physicist what time is, and other important open questions.

I love biology. Perhaps in another life I would be working within mathematical biology, since I think there is some important work being done there.

Arithmetic Skills

A teacher works on a problem on the board. They apologize for their bad arithmetic skills, but they turn out to be quite good.

Seriously, teachers are the epitome of self-deprecation.

Arbitrary Memorization

A student asks if they can have an equation sheet for the final exam. The professor says no, and that they must be memorized. The student says that they could just memorize them in the two minutes before the test and the professor replies that this is exactly what they want.

I understand the need to remember some things, but this tends to come from using the equations, not cramming them into your head right before an exam. I’ve literally made sure I can remember the equations before I enter the room, so that I can write them down immediately. Should students be punished if they can’t do this?