This works well when reading fiction, but textbook authors have an annoying habit of repeatedly referring to past material without giving the full explanation again, so it pays to take it slow.
29 Apr 2019
The trick is to convince yourself that you can push through the effort. Just a little more, and it will all be over!
26 Apr 2019
After the crash, it’s quite typical for me to spend ten minutes looking at a single equation and wondering what these weird symbols even mean.
24 Apr 2019
“I’m comfortable with everything except one little detail, but of course with my luck it will be on the test!”
22 Apr 2019
If the exam season was particularly rough, I take savage pleasure in thinking of how much work the professors will have to go through.
19 Apr 2019
“I really need to implement Amazon’s search algorithm they use in their warehouses.”
17 Apr 2019
“Who makes these clocks?!”
Note: I feel like I’ve seen a similar idea executed before, so if anyone has the reference, I’d be glad to hear it.
15 Apr 2019
I wonder how much the astronomy community pays for having these really nice artistic renditions of astronomy when they want to promote the actual photographs.
12 Apr 2019
Don’t be afraid to be wrong in class or meetings. It’s not a mark of your intelligence, despite what it feels like.
10 Apr 2019