Probably the top reason why I hate tests. The environment is so artificial and unlike what research is like. At this point, I just shake my head in sadness.
05 Apr 2019
We teach students to always simplify in mathematics, but the truth is that this can hide the more natural interpretation of results.
03 Apr 2019
Of course, Science can’t afford to sever the connection with Math, so they’ve made sure to keep the relationship strong.
01 Apr 2019
“We’re like the extreme outliers of the academic world!
In a good way, of course.”
29 Mar 2019
I love biology. Perhaps in another life I would be working within mathematical biology, since I think there is some important work being done there.
27 Mar 2019
I understand the need to remember some things, but this tends to come from using the equations, not cramming them into your head right before an exam. I’ve literally made sure I can remember the equations before I enter the room, so that I can write them down immediately. Should students be punished if they can’t do this?
22 Mar 2019
Sometimes it gets so bad that the general public might be fooled into thinking the work we do is easy!
20 Mar 2019
“Edge effects” is one of the quintessential examples of handwaving in physics students.
18 Mar 2019
I actually like going through calculations, but there’s no doubt that this can definitely be classified as “grunt work”.
15 Mar 2019