Comics about mathematics, science, and the student life.


A person tries walking forward, but a large parachute behind slows them down due to air drag. The person asks, "Why is it so hard to move forward?" The parachute has the label, "Never-ending projects".

There’s a reason why most projects last for a finite time. (By the way, I’m inspired by Craig Mod’s pop-up newsletters.)

Stress Decay

A graph of "How much I care about X after it happens" versus time. High stress decays to low stress very quickly, and an arrow points to the decayed curve and says, "Why was I even stressed about this!?"

It’s crazy how this describes so many of my worries.

Hard Landing

A scientist and his friend are flying a plane called The Last Minute. The scientist says, "Brace yourself. We're going down hard!" Caption: When you realize you're rapidly approaching your presentation's time limit.

The friend: “You do realize we passed our destination about twenty minutes ago, right?”


A professor stands at the front of their class with a raised hand and says, "Welcome to my class. Please give the front row seats to those who will stay awake and want to see the board." (Pause) "Don't worry, I have comfy chairs in the back for those who are sleepy and came to hear my soothing voice."

The teacher evaluations are uniformly positive, even from those who fail.

Slapped On

A researcher prepares their grant proposal, which is a cylinder on a table. On the surface of the cylinder are stickers that read, "ML", "BIG DATA", and "Quantum". The researcher shrugs and says, "Might as well slap on "AI" while I'm at it.

I mean, why not?

Fact Line

Four bar graphs depicting where different populations draw the line between "Science Facts" and "Other". For the general public, there's a sharp line between the two. It gets fuzzier for students, and even more so for grad students. Finally, scientists are the ones who have the fewest "science facts" and instead question a bunch.

This is the ideal scenario, where scientists are ready to question their assumptions if new evidence emerges. In practice, we probably don’t question as much as we could.

Time Hoop

Two friends are standing beside posts that say "Personal", "Work", and "Sleep". The first person hands a hoop to his friend and says, "Here's your Time Hoop. Put it around whatever you want." She asks, "But it's only big enough for two!" He says, "I didn't say life was fair."

“Maybe I can really stretch it out-?”

“And you’d be one of many that try and fail.”


Top: A supervisor looks towards their objective, while looking through the obstacles that are blocking the way. He says, "I can see it!" Bottom: Their graduate student looks towards the same objective but cannot see past the obstacles. She says, "It's impossible."

Grad student: “But what about all the obstacles?”

Supervisor: “That’s what you’re here for!”

Hat tip to my research group for inspiring this comic!

Decision Jam

A bunch of life obligations are on a conveyor belt moving towards the left. In the front is a big one called "Big Decision", and it's being blocked by a hydraulic press that's extended downwards and has the label, "Worry".

“Can’t you just move all the little obligations by to at least process them?”

“Oh no, I have to process this one first!”


A big billboard representing "Your Big Idea" has spotlights on it, while a much smaller billboard representing "Your praise for other ideas" is to the side, partially obscured by overgrown brush.

“What’s that small billboard to the side?”

“Oh don’t worry about that, I’d put the spotlights on it if it were important.”