This is one of the most frustrating experiences you can have in school. You spend all this time studying and - suprise! - you weren’t looking at the right material.
16 Dec 2019
Unconventional, but I can vouch for the effectiveness of such a strategy.
13 Dec 2019
Not pictured: biting nails, pacing back and forth, and obsessively checking their school’s site to see if the teacher posted grades.
11 Dec 2019
Whenever I get out from a difficult test, I tell myself, “Just get to that three month mark!”
06 Dec 2019
“From what we give you, it might be possible to think that you could solve any problem in the world. If only!”
04 Dec 2019
If it was possible, I think physicists would like to exclusively work with the number 1.
02 Dec 2019
Just like a rollercoaster, the one consolation is that they both have a fixed time.
29 Nov 2019