The variety among teachers for getting assignments and tests back is remarkable. My supervisor would get our final exams corrected and our grades posted on the same day as the exam, while others try to get as cozy as they can with the deadline.
13 May 2020
Why do the issues always pop up the second our professors leave? It’s almost as if we are trying to look smart in front of them when we are really lost.
Oh wait.
11 May 2020
I only uncovered this while browsing some other research papers and noticing that the hover state acts just like a link with its own URL. I immediately went to check if my past papers had anything crazy. Thankfully, there was nothing I could see.
08 May 2020
Thankfully, I’ve never had to do this myself. However, I have seen it while looking at old papers, and I can tell you, it looks bad.
06 May 2020
I think I’ve shown my biases when it comes to listing a variety of scientific perspectives…
04 May 2020
The next step is the undergraduate sending this work to their future self.
01 May 2020
The gift of education is an opening of your eyes to just how much more there is to learn.
29 Apr 2020
All students strive to be able to take the Efficient Route, and yet it is the most elusive of paths to a proof.
27 Apr 2020
I wonder how well we prepare students during their undergraduate degree to make the decision of doing graduate studies.
22 Apr 2020