“Okay class, we’ve spent a lot of time writing down these complicated expressions. Well, it turns out we can’t actually evaluate these, so we’re just going to use some tricks to get approximate solutions.”
22 Jun 2020
The best is when they break a piece, pause, try again, and break another piece a few moments later.
17 Jun 2020
Ah, there’s nothing more relaxing than writing grant applications. They really make you indulge in your biggest fantasies for your research.
15 Jun 2020
I sometimes notice myself rolling my eyes when I see another explanation of a basic concept that I know well, but then I realize that the target audience is not me.
Communicating to the public is important and distinct from communicating with experts.
08 Jun 2020
“Oh yeah, and that’s a good thing you won’t be able to sleep. That’s what I call ‘taking it seriously’!”
Disclaimer: I do not know what kind of values for such an app would be typical, but I think any number other than zero is a little terrifying.
03 Jun 2020
I am only able to spot this within my own field, but I am certain that I get misled by experts in other fields when they feel compelled to mix in their own ideas.
There is no harm with stating your viewpoint, but it should be clearly distinct from the rest of the science. In that sense, I like thinking of good science communication like a layer cake. Each part is clearly marked so confusion is left to a minimum.
01 Jun 2020