People seem to be very happy to say they dislike mathematics compared to other cultural products.
06 Sep 2021
Not to scale. Equation 1 and Equation 2 would not be seen on the page if done to scale.
01 Sep 2021
I always love reading the introduction to papers, because they show me just how far scientists go to stretch their field to touch every part of life. Unfortunately, it rarely continues into the main part of the paper.
27 Aug 2021
The trick to being a scientific icon is to carve that first small footpath, and then convince others to work on making it a lot more friendly!
25 Aug 2021
If you’ve ever had a song stuck in your head, this is exactly the problem.
20 Aug 2021
The truth though is that the best stories leave me wanting more, with some of the minor threads still a little knotted.
18 Aug 2021