Note to self: “Powering through” the breaks results in negative ambition at the beginning of the new semester.
25 Jan 2023
Diving deep into one area your whole life can be very rewarding, but I think dipping into various fields can be great too!
20 Jan 2023
In reality, the person would never return the model, because it gave the results they wanted anyway.
18 Jan 2023
“Hey, were you really expecting us to use our creativity to come up with new words when all of these old words were just sitting there?”
13 Jan 2023
Instead of seeing failure as a binary quantity (either it happened or it didn’t), perhaps it’s more healthy to adopt the view that there’s always going to be some amount of failure, and our job is to limit it as much as possible.
09 Jan 2023
I’m sure my running watch picks up a spike in heart rate in these critical moments.
04 Jan 2023