Really? I thought that as soon as I finished my undergraduate degree, all of math was essentially the same, but a bit more difficult.
04 Mar 2020
Okay, I get it when I’m reading a research paper. But for a textbook, these kinds of details should probably be shown. Maybe I’m just tackling textbooks that are too far ahead of me…
02 Mar 2020
How else are we going to get funding if we don’t make our equations sound fun and engaging?
28 Feb 2020
In mathematics, this is known as “proof by circularity”, and is partly where I got the idea for this comic (from someone else).
However, my real motivation came from the fact that I was looking at the literature for a specific topic, and I kept on seeing the same few papers being referenced. I was hoping to find something new, but I couldn’t seem to break this “bubble” of citations.
24 Feb 2020
He also doesn’t believe in exhaustion, since you can’t check each case. Nor is he a fan of the continuum.
14 Feb 2020
“To prove this statement, I invoke Theorem 3.2 of our textbook in conjunction with Corollary 67.1, which together implies our result trivially.”
12 Feb 2020