Ah, do I ever love the RG one. It’s my go-to strategy when trying to finish an assignment where I don’t understand all the steps.
23 Sep 2020
This is absolutely based on a true story, and it makes me aware of every single footnote I write. I spent so much time trying to figure out how in the world the author arrived at the equation!
21 Sep 2020
Okay, I’m exaggerating, but only barely. It really does boggle the mind at times when I browse the arXiv.
18 Sep 2020
“Can’t we fix all of these terrible roads so people actually want to ride on them?”
“If they are really motivated, they will persevere.”
16 Sep 2020
My experience has been that graduate students are a bit more loose with their notion of “accurate”.
14 Sep 2020
“Don’t you think it would be a good idea to spread the load out a bit?”
“No no, I’m sure you can do it. Hey, I have this friend who also wants to give you a few things. Their name is Mathematics.”
11 Sep 2020
If you get too good at being a scientist, outside forces (talks, committees, prizes, etc.) will react to stop you from decreasing your gamma factor to one.
09 Sep 2020
To me, the learning is about the edges rather than the nodes. Make sure you take the time to forge those connections.
07 Sep 2020
I was wondering what the Ladder of Abstraction was leaning on. Clearly, the mathematicians just assumed its existence as a starting point.
04 Sep 2020
Find me one person who violates this law, and I’ll be surprised.
02 Sep 2020