Comics about mathematics, science, and the student life.

Risk Management

Figuring out what is risky and what is not is much simpler if you just decide *everything* if risky.

That was easy.

Quick Email

Emailing a professor seems like it could take just a minute, but in reality takes several hours.

The time professors spend reading your email is inversely proportional to the time you spend writing it.

(It seems like I was subconsciously inspired by this comic from Jorge Cham, so I wanted to link to his work. He was inspired by someone else for that comic too, so I guess there’s a multi-comic thread going through this idea now!)

Class Speedup

A graph showing that no matter how fast a teacher goes in class, there's always room for them to speed up.

“Oh crap, there are only five minutes left in class!”


“I bet we can make substantial headway on this new topic.”

Just the Result

A professor goes over a "completely trivial" calculation in class, only to forget how to do it.

“Teaching is so much easier once you offload the difficult parts into homework assignments.”

Enthusiastic PR

A bold new headline with a lot of big claims about some new science.

Just because scientists did it, doesn’t mean we should take it on faith.

(Unfortunately, this is the problem of expertise. If you aren’t an expert, you need to put trust in someone else, and that can backfire at times.)

Academically Secure

Creating a cryptosystem based on the language of Academese.

“Forget about postdocs, people! We’re going to put your talents to good use here.”

To Spec

Meeting spec on your research goals might mean looking for loopholes.

“It’s not like they actually think any of this is going to be used in our day-to-day lives, right?”

Inspired by the recent headlines for room-temperature superconductivity.

Quality Calculations

When you're young, the calculations done on the board by the teacher are of high quality, and it just goes downhill from there.

The only thing lower than the quality of the calculations is the quality of the diagrams.

Rabbit Holes

Getting sucked down rabbit holes.

“Well, time to find a different research partner.”

Playback Speed

The various choices of video playback speed, from the perspective of a student.

You really owe it to yourself to watch a lecture at a quicker speed. Those who are super slow and difficult to listen to suddenly become full of energy!