I’m sure it’s just common-knowledge, or something else so banal that it’s not worth wasting pixels over…
23 Jul 2021
Personally, I feel a huge barrier to entry when staring at a painting, but at least I can enjoy it in some form. The unfortunate nature of a lot of scientific and mathematical ideas (combined with how we present them), doesn’t allow us to do this.
21 Jul 2021
Am I the only one who finds it difficult to parse this weird language of Academese?
19 Jul 2021
My favourites are when you get figures that are labeled a) through z), with a mountain-sized caption. Really makes it feel like the figure is doing a good job!
16 Jul 2021
Except for a few outliers, this seems to be the norm in the industry. There’s the “advertised” number, and the “useful” number.
14 Jul 2021
The best part is when the unknown unknown is masquerading as a known unknown, as can happen when inspecting error messages in code.
12 Jul 2021
By the time I’m done with those papers on the left, I know more about the work than the authors!
09 Jul 2021
Note that this doesn’t mean the release of new textbooks on the subject will decrease. Exhibit A: calculus textbooks.
05 Jul 2021