Note that this doesn’t mean the release of new textbooks on the subject will decrease. Exhibit A: calculus textbooks.
05 Jul 2021
For all the grief we physics students give engineers, I’d take something designed by an engineer over a physicist most days! (Particularly if they are a theoretical physicist…)
30 Jun 2021
Not pictured: The very real (and just as good!) alternative of doing something other than traditional research in academia.
28 Jun 2021
“Don’t blame me, I’m just trying to give the reader the benefit of the doubt that they are an expert. You see, I’m being generous!”
25 Jun 2021
“We will start by ignoring reality and pretending everything else is constant except A and B.”
23 Jun 2021
The fun is when you get back to a project after putting is aside for a while, and figuring out how each piece works together to produce your plots!
21 Jun 2021
Most of my programming is just a sequence of trying to modify existing code for my needs, before finally acquiescing and writing my own code.
18 Jun 2021