The teacher: “If you think about it, we’re giving you the most topical information you could ever want for success in your career as a student.”
20 Oct 2021
I think this is the reason behind the saying that life is stranger than fiction. Life is allowed to be as weird and wonderful as it likes, while those writers need to adhere to strict rules.
18 Oct 2021
I used to be in the Mass of Gravitational Physicists, but I couldn’t resist the allure of the Superposition of Quantum Physicists.
(Side note: This is the 500th comic. When I began, I couldn’t even imagine doing fifty. I had no idea I’d find so much handwaving to do. Thanks for reading!)
13 Oct 2021
Other distractions: The internet, any stray blackboard with a half-finished calculation, a dinner table with a bunch of other scientists, and a stack full of good fiction books to read.
11 Oct 2021
The trick for engagement: “Whoever didn’t understand anything of what I said, please say nothing.”
08 Oct 2021
I have some weird obsession checking the progress of code as it runs, even when I know that it’s going to be a while.
06 Oct 2021