Comics about mathematics, science, and the student life.


A one-dimensional graph with the axis being "Depth of knowledge". On the far left, there's the "Beginner". Then there's "Advanced", followed by "Finishing a PhD thesis", with "Crazy" just after.

Are you sure that digging into one topic for so long is a good example of “work-life balance”?

Tag Along

A person labelled "Mathematics" says, "Do you need to tag along with everything?" The person labelled "Physics" responds, "It's just a coincidence!"

“It just so happens that everything you do has applications in the real world!”


Left panel (Intrinsic): A person sits with a book and says, "I just love reading!" Middle panel (Extrinsic): A mother says to their child, "If you read your book, we'll go out for ice cream." Right panel (Textbook): A book with a caption saying, "A strange historical anecdote that has little relevance anymore."

The last panel always makes me think of how my first quantum theory courses began with going the “historical route”.

Exposition Problem

Left panel (Research): Scientific leader says to a researcher, "This is a great discovery!" Right panel (Exposition): Leader says to another researcher, "Could you focus more on new discoveries than research?"

If only we placed as much emphasis on creating good exposition.

Citation Trail

Graph of the overlap with the original claim as a function of citation trail. The message gradually has less overlap, and becomes corrupted later.

This is why you want to deal with the original source.


A graduate student is with their supervisor. Graduate student: "Here's my work." Supervisor: "Hmm...why didn't you try what I usually do?" Graduate student: "But look at what I *did*!" Supervisor: "Yes, yes, that's great. Now, can you do this?"

Ah, the joys of being blinded by your usual ways.

Paper Space

A winding journey from "Start Writing" to "Paper Complete". Includes "Initial burst", "Heavy revision", "Multiple dead ends", "Finding the story", and "Final edits".

My hope is that I will be able to set up trail markers to avoid chunks of this winding path in the future.

One Sentence

A scientist and a friend are discussing. The friend says, "You have one sentence to describe your work." The scientist replies, "Is a 2000 word, jargon-filled sentence okay?" Caption: We scientists need to work on our communication skills.

No, it’s not.


Left panel: Two scientists are talking to each other. One says, "Those physicists are so smart. I bet they're doing rigorous work right now!" Right panel (Meanwhile): Two physicists are at a blackboard, thinking about a problem. One says, "How can we approximate our troubles away?"

When in doubt, approximate.


Left panel (Unimportant, Short-Term): A person throws their hands up in the air and says, "Oh, I just can't decide!" Right panel (Important, Long-Term): The person says, "I'll just ignore this."

And then I wonder why I’m not happy with where I’m going.